30 June, 2008

This & That

WooHoo! It's a short week ahead and I'm SO relieved to have a 3 day weekend coming up. This past weekend we had friends over for a low country boil and some serious corn hole competition. It was a great time until and dinner was fantastic. Mr. Monogram really knows how to cook up a great low country boil. Then yesterday, in an attempt to get out of the house, we decided to all go golfing (it was really overcast so we didn't exactly feel like heading to the pool). We had such a great time on the golf course and can I just be a little vain here for a minute and tell you how shocked I was by how I was hitting the ball yesterday??? Holy crap it was awesome!

Anyhow, I love Sunday night's because my favorite show comes on during the summer. And all I have to say is, Army Wives? Best. Freaking. Show. EVER.

So today I really need to work on my summer tan (well that's probably not an entirely trues statement b/c I have to admit I am pretty damn dark), but we've got errands to run instead. We're off to the bank, my jeweler to pick up my pearls which I had re-strung, the fabric store, and Kroger for some grocery shopping. Lord how I loathe grocery shopping. Ugh. Oh yea, I've also decided to get rid of some of the 'ol crappolla around here so that means I've got a date with Craigs List this afternoon too. Let me tell you, the glamorous life of Monogram Momma never ceases to amaze me. ;-)

1 Comment:

Lulu said...

i need to start watching Army Wives, because there is NOTHING on in the summer!