22 January, 2007

Monogram Momma's Wierdness (Tagged Again!)

Yes, it’s true. I’ve been tagged by the wonderfully creative K from K Style and might I say what an honor it is that she wants to know my “weirdness.” Trust me when I tell you K, I’m sure there is lots more I could share, but here are the top 6 that came to mind.

1) Apparently I burp a lot. In my defense, I think I’m having a bit of reflux right now and it’s the only thing that’s currently giving me relief. *sigh* Yes, I know this is not very proper of me, but in privacy and the comfort of my own home, that’s what I apparently do (don’t worry, I always make sure to excuse myself, even if I am only in the presence of preppy puppy).

2) I am extremely anal retentive about the socks my husband wears. No lie. I can’t explain it. But I’m sorry, athletic socks belong w/ ATHLETIC SHOES. And Athletic shoes ONLY. There are no exceptions to this and if this is breached, I absolutely HAVE to say something about it and it typically doesn’t come out very nice (this was his 2 cents anyway for what I should add to this list since he thinks it’s unnatural I take such an interest in his socks).

3) Speaking of socks, I write my initials on the toe of all my socks with a sharpie when I buy them. There are no exceptions to this unless the socks are too dark for me to write on them (this really isn’t so weird considering I grew up in a house of sisters who constantly stole tennis and uniform socks from each other). What can I say? Old habits die hard.

4) I have to have the bed made very tightly before I get in at night (or to take a nap). If the sheets or comforter become too lose, or Mr. Monogram kicks out the bottom of his side of the bed, I will literally get up in the middle of the night and re-make the bed w/ Mr. M in it.

5) I can karakoke sun up to sun down from the “On-Demand” feature on my digital cable box while jumping on my little exercise trampoline, which, FYI, I have named Betty. I figure if I name it and give her a personality, I’m more likely to keep my exercise commitment to her.

6) Also when I’m sleeping, I have to sleep under the covers (and by under I mean all the way under, head totally covered). All the time. Even if it’s bloody hot and I’m sweating like that pig from Charlotte’s Web, I can’t sleep or even nap or relax in my bed unless I am under covers of sufficient weight (read: just sleeping under a sheet will not do)

I’m tagging (sorry girls! But K tagged 6 so I'm tagging 6 as well!):
The Preppy Princess
Spy Mum
Preppy Rider

Lisagh (only because I know how much you *loved* the last one)


Anonymous said...

MM you are so NAUGHTY!!! I am not supposed to appear in my own blog!

Egad! I'd better get to work (grumble, grumble!) ;-)

Anonymous said...

I shall be back to comment on your 'weirdnesses' later!

Monogram Momma said...

Uh Oh! Looks like I'm in trouble w/ SpyMum!

Kimba said...

I LOVE the writing on the socks. If i were packed in tight in my bed i wouldn't be able to sleep. Those are weird :) Just kidding!!!!!

lisagh said...


Cloggsy said...

Do I only have to put 6? I could do 60 if y'all want - I'm an odd one!!

Melissa said...

Naming exercise equipment - now there's a workout motivation trick I haven't tried yet.

kstyle said...

Thank you Mrs. M for the very kind words and guess what. We share weirdness # 2. If I see those white socks with the dress shoes or vice versa I go into immediate combat mode. Definitely against kstyle rules. k

Monogram Momma said...

You are most welcome, K! And it's really nice to know I've got someone else on my side in the fight against bad sock choices for men. I will make SURE I bring that up to Mr. Monogram next time I have to get on him about his sock choice.

SuburbanMom said...

Wow, you *are* pretty weird ;)

Melissa C Morris said...

I am so with you on the socks thing! So funny that we share that peccadillo -- our poor husbands...

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how you would wear dress shoes with athletic socks. Aren't the socks too thick to wear with dress shoes? As in, how can he get his dress shoes on his feet with athletic socks?

Your bed this is VERY weird. You and I are the exact opposite. I have to have one leg uncovered (to balance temperature) and I can't sleep with my head anywhere near under the covers because I'm afraid of suffocating.

Monogram Momma said...

Ok I should clarify (as I'm LOL). It isn't dress shoes he's ocassionally wearing athletic socks with. I assure you, he has much better taste than that for someone who wears and suit to work every day. However, ocassionally, if he's running to Home Depot or we're running out for quick bite to eat on Saturday with the kids, he will take off his sneakers and just slip into his Johnson and Murphey dark brown leather mules. I understand the shoes are very comfy and look better than wearing a pair of sneakers w/ his jeans and whatever. But really? He can't change his socks when he changes his shoes too? He defends it by saying you can't really see the athletic socks b/c his jeans cover. But I know they're there! It just annoys me to no end; I told you it was wierd!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to know I'm not the only freak out there who needs to sleep with my head under the covers of sufficient weight, not matter the heat!!!

Suburban prep said...

I too need the weight of covers as well. I drive my husband batty about it sometimes as well.

Tod said...

MM my wife is batty about the covers too...drives me crazy (so of course I rip them out whenever I can...
I hope you all are feeling better

Tod said...

MM my wife is batty about the covers too...drives me crazy (so of course I rip them out whenever I can...
I hope you all are feeling better