03 December, 2006

Sunday Reminders

I thought I'd sneak in here on a Sunday afternoon and just throw out a few reminders to the few sprinkles of weekend readers, the large amount of late-night readers (geez, don't you guys sleep?!), and my every faithful early morning riser readers. So, first of all, just a little reminder that if you've got me on your blogroll and I haven't reciprocated, please send me a little email and let me know. I try really hard to visit everyone's blogs and pop in and say hello but let's face it. It's December and there really are only so many hours in a day when I'm trying to shop, wrap, decorate, craft, party plan, bake, etc. I'm tired just thinking about it! So if I haven't added you to my blogroll, please let me know and just know it isn't on purpose. I'm just covered up in a mound of ribbon and decorations right now. As you know, monogram momma would never purposely be rude to you (well, unless you cut me off in traffic anyway) . Okay?

Now, most importantly today before I make yet another trip out to Hobby Lobby (for all I know they could be playing a drinking game out of me over there this weekend...Everyone drink when the mismatched lady in the gray yoga pants, sneakers, ponytail, and red coach bag walks into the store!), let me remind you of your looming deadline of the Show Me Yours competition. There was some initial confusion over my email address since it spontaneously went MIA one day, but it's back where it belongs on the right-hand side bar (top) and here it is again, just in case it decides to walk off again...

Okay, I'm out. Off I go. AGAIN.

1 Comment:

kstyle said...

Thanks for dropping by kstyle. Love your blog and found a few possible letter ideasfrom your links. Am going to put you on my "morning coffee visits" right now. awesome k