07 November, 2006

Flight 001, Ready for Take Off

I just returned home from our little road trip today and due to the non-stop pouring rain, all 6 kids, and 3 moms were so drenched that we looked like drowned river rats due to the fact that we mom’s weren’t quite prepared for the bad weather and did not have a single umbrella between us. For some reason, we thought we knew more than Stephanie Abrams and Jim Cantore and as it turns out, we were wrong. And while I’d love to just say “Oh well, live and learn!” I’m afraid that, knowing us three, it is pretty likely that we will find ourselves in this same situation again sometime so I won’t even humor myself with that little clichéd remark. Note to self: Reclaim large golf umbrella from Mr. Monograms golf bag and hide in my car again.

But speaking of little road trips and nifty little things we need to travel, to encourage you all to be better prepared than we were today, hop on over to Flight 001 if you are looking for some great travel accessories and bags …"to be the best accessorized commuter in coach.” Enter the code DAILYCANDY at checkout to receive 25% off your purchase. So if you’re thinking ahead to the holiday’s as I am, this is perfect excuse to shop for yourself or the commuter in your life.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

found you through a search for flight 001. i wrote about them too.