You may have heard me mention once or twice or [ten times] before, that Fall is my MOST favorite time of year. While Spring tends to wake most people up and make them feel a little more alive, this is what Fall does for me (personally, you can HAVE Spring and all the murderous allergies that come with it). Whether it’s the changing leaves, the cool windy days, throwing on my cords, or heck, maybe because it’s time for SEC football again, I don’t know what it is about my love affair with Fall that really gets me motivated and moving. Coincidentally, this is also my busiest time of year. Once pre-school begins, it’s like someone’s fired the start gun and I hear a loud “Annnnnnnnnnnnd They’re Off!” being hollered somewhere in my subconscious.
For instance, I’ve still got all my fall planting and decorating to do, pumpkins and corn stalks to buy, Halloween costumes for the mini monograms to work on, Halloween costumes for my nieces to work on, mini monogram #2’s birthday and invitations to plan, 5 additional immediate family birthday’s to buy for, vacation to pack for (not to mention that’s a week of productivity down the tubes), crafting to do and somehow, SOMEHOW, I got roped into being BOTH of the mini monograms room mothers, so that means 2 class Halloween parties to organize as well. Oh yes, lets not forget my daily blogging! Whew! It’s enough to make an anxiety attack kick into high gear. Yes, nothing says welcome to a new day like waking up not being able to breathe with a feeling you’re going to vomit and have a heart attack all at the same time. Talk about crushing your creativity! It’s quite lovely, really.
So I know, I know. Quit my complaining, right? Well, it’s not so much complaining as these are all things I love to do this time of year, but more of an up-front explanation why some days will be more interesting and dare I say, snarky than others. So all I’m asking is you just bear with me and understand that while I’ve got a HUGE list of fun fall projects and ideas that I promise I’m going to be passing along, I can’t possibly do a project every single day without DFCS coming and taking me away for ignoring my children, so some days will be focused on good deals I want to pass along, stationary finds, the craziness that is just my stay-at-home-life with two little boys, and just fun preppy stuff I love in general. But like I said, I’ve got loads of really great projects looming on the horizon and I’m always eager to take your project requests too!
So, as I head out to look at birthday party invitations today and mark off a few things on my list, here are a few things I love today.

Who doesn't love a sale?! So when Lisa, one of the chicks at Three Chickadees emailed me to say they are having a Fall Sale through next Monday (10/2) good for 15% off your purchase, you know I'm going to love that! Enter discount code "FALL" at checkout. Thanks, Lisa!
MM, you are a life saver! Thanks so much for the Fine Stationary codes. I'm getting ready to blow a ton of cash on wedding stationary... This will help!!
Another great diaper idea can be found at I love these and they are great on the go or in your diaper bag - just for organization!
You're most welcome Sarah! I hope one of those codes will work for you and I'll still keep my eye out for you!
Anon: Yes, I love those diapees and wipees. Another very smart innovation by a smart mom!
The diaper rolls are darling; I wish I had a clutch handbag that looked like these.
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