16 July, 2008

Two Things for Wednesday

I wasn't planning on posting today but 2 things are really bothering me that I need to get off my chest (okay, 3 things if you count the fact that my Bonanno's still aren't here and I'm getting more and more frustrated about not being able to wear them this summer)...

1. It is bad enough that there are celebrity children in this world with stupid, STUUUUPID names such as Apple, Sunday, Suri, Kingstan, Honor, Levi, Heaven Rain, and Shiloh (just to name a few) but now this. NOW, General Hospital actor Ingo Rademacher has up and named his son Peanut. As in the crop. Peanut. As in Peanut Butter Captain Crunch and Jiff Crunchy Peanut Butter. And no, that's not a nickname. That's his given name on his birth certificate. Peanut.




No matter how many times I say it it still sounds stupid.

2. WHAT. The. HELL.
Can someone please tell me how the hell Helena Bonham Carter is going to get this pram in the back of her car? I mean, I drive a Suburban for Pete's sake and I've been trying to figure this out all morning. Aside from the fact she doesn't exactly *scream* Proper English Woman pushing a Pram through the streets of jolly old London, This? Is so NOT practical.

source: celebrity baby blog


Tammy B said...

I think "Peanut" is the stupidest name. What are these people thinking?? That is a big Pram. And she never looks like she has combed her hair. I'm still waiting on my Stephen Bonannas that I ordered in April. Vivian posted a follow up on her blog July 3, letting everyone know when they can expect their sandals.

Monogram Momma said...

Seriuosly? What does Helena Bonham Carter have against a brush?

lisagh said...

Do you remember that book "The Outsiders"? The characters were named Ponyboy and Sodapop? Those aren't even as bad as Peanut. Peanut is so ridiculous I can't help but just laugh. Let's hope he never has political aspirations...

Ladies and gentlemen, please rise for President Peanut Rademacher!

Are you kidding me?

Monogram Momma said...

You are so right, Lisagh. Sodapop and Ponyboy don't have anything on Peanut. Can you imagine if he ends up being the biggest kid in class, like the class brute or something, and his name is.... wait for it... PEANUT.

Kate said...

Both of these upset me. Sometimes celebrities are so dumb and selfish!

a. said...

Yuck is all I have to say!

Katie Ryan said...

If I had a Pram, the poor,expensive thing would have to sit in my garage! I wouldn't be able to get it in the back of the 'burb or through the doorway of my house! That thing is as wide as a Lazy Boy!

Suburban prep said...

Well it looks like he is just adding to the people that name their children after food. I can see it as a name to call a child as a 'nickname' but not as the given name.

TCP said...

Amen!! What ever happened to just giving a kid a nickname instead of making his actual name a nickname???

Head Hen said...

I think "Silver Cross" is the first thing the celebs put on their "to buy" list when the strip turns pink. It's a celeb infant's first Rolls or Bentley I suppose. Even comes with a driver: Mum (or Nanny).

I did my time putting our Peg, Bob and McLarens into the car (not to mention the darn wagons as they got older)! We didn't get as fancy as the Silver Cross at Chez Roost.

Monogram Momma said...

I mean really, "Peanut" is a nickname you give your kid but not something you actually put on his birth certificate. What happened to normal names or God forbid, family names?

Re the Silver cross.. It's ridiculous. Great for photo shoots yes, but not exactly practical. I had 2 peg's and they were quite enough for me to get into the car. I couldn't imagine heaving this thing in the bakc of the car. And like Alyssa said, how the hell would it fit through doorways to even get outside?!

Now, that said, my mom and dad did have a gorgeous carriage when my oldest sister was a baby but 42 years ago that wasn't all that abnormal.

Monogramchick said...

Poor Kid...think of the ridicule he'll endure as a teenager!
Pram's are for baby dolls--this is seriously NOT practical! Thanks for sharing!

AJLinBoston said...

Hi Monogram Momma,

I love your blog! Just had to comment, I saw the news about "Peanut" too ("General Hospital" being one of my guilty pleasures I usually follow the soap news) and couldn't believe it! That takes the cake as celebrity baby names go.

Kelley said...

You know what's really sad.......now we'll have a whole flock of PEANUTS in the world! Some people!

alexandra said...

That thing looks more like a baby shopping cart. ri.dic.u.lous. And, peanut? What kind of dad allows that to happen?

Lily Goodwin said...

Peanut! Lol!

The baby carriage , it may not be practical, but it's so cute!