27 April, 2007

Mark it With a Ribbon (a page turner of an idea)

Generally speaking, I do not like to make assumptions. I think we all know how the old saying goes, and it just doesn’t ever tend to work out too well in the end. Am I right? But I will go ahead and assume here that we’ve got quite a few things in common, you and I. And many of you, like myself, really enjoy a good book or two. Especially now that Summer is upon us (and me relaxing in the sun on the beach is but a few weeks away), I anticipate many more book discussions (as a side note, this month’s book club choice will be discussed next week so look for it!).

But I have to admit. I am a dog-earer (yes, I just made that word up so please don’t comment and tell me it doesn’t exist because I already know that). Anyone else? I’ve got one “M” bookmark that I really like, but all the rest of my books get dog-eared when I am ready to mark my place and put my book down for the night. Sort of tacky, I know, and true Bibliophiles will mark this as a crime fit for punishment for destruction of a piece of literature. So sue me! But cruising around the net, looking for solutions other than purchasing a half dozen bookmarks to keep in my various ongoing books, I did happen upon a truly great solution (thanks again, Martha). It’s just up your alley too- Ribbon Bookmarks!

You Will Need
-2 1/4-inch-wide ribbon (16 inches long)
-1 1/2-inch-wide ribbon (14 inches long)
-Exacto knife
-A needle and thread

1) Cut ribbons to a length slightly longer than the book they're intended for.

2) On the wrong side of the wider ribbon, use a ruler and pencil to make evenly spaced horizontal lines approximately 1 1/2 inches long.

3) Grab your Exacto knife, and using the edge of the ruler as a guide, carefully cut slits along the pencil marks you just made.

4) Now weave your thin ribbon through the slits on the wide ribbon.

5) Once you’ve finished the weaving, to hold ribbons in place, stitch straight across the top and bottom edges of the bookmark with your needle and thread.

6) To create a fringed edge, stitch across the bottom of the bookmark, about 1/2 inch from the bottom; then pull away the threads running crosswise. Or adorn an edge with a button, bell, or charm. Have fun and be creative with it!


CelinaJ said...

This is a terrific idea! Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!

Head Hen said...

I did this with my older kids for them to use a Christmas gifts one year. The men in the family especially loved them (we included a great book with each and a gift cert for our hip coffee shop).

They really hold up. If anyone is worried about fraying (or is that freying?) then get Frey (or is that Fray) Check! :)

I do think it's the *A*, but shant swear.