01 February, 2007

Snow Day....I Think

Seriuosly? They cancelled school for THIS? Where is all the snow we were promised? I feel so jipped! I, like everyone else in my town headed to my grocery store yesterday afternoon, and after parking in a foreign country and making the trek in the 27 degree cold to get into the store stood waiting in line with the swarms of moms to get that gallon of milk, loaf of bread, and soup for what seemed like FOREVER. For this? Really?
So we are off in search of snow. It is quite possible that I love the snow and sledding even more than most children do, so I am determined to go seek it out today. I think I'm heading towards the mountains with the mini's and perhaps some friends to see what we can find.


Anonymous said...

Hear, hear. We started with beautiful fluffy snow around 8:00 this morning, got about 1/2 inch, 10 minutes of sleet, and now cold, horrid rain. Now we've got a light coating of ugly slush. Snow day, indeed! I demand a do-over! Mr. G is going to the mountains with a friend this weekend, so at least someone around here will get to play in the snow. Hope you were successful finding a great sledding hill!

Anonymous said...

I finally got my own blog...so now I am not just an unknow stalker...but am a stalker with a blog!
And snow...boy am I NOT jealous. I am a Vegas girl through and through and love me some dry heat!!

Sisters with Style said...

I know what you mean. Last week-end we were supposed to get 8-10 inches of snow. All we got was a bunch of rain. My kids were so upset. Hopefully, you find snow somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Hope you found your snow! I just love the stuff, but it never lasts on the rare occasions we get it and it's always gone by the end of the day. Boo!