21 December, 2006

Simple Silver Cleaning

I am so far behind in all my holiday endeavors this year, that I haven't even had time to polish my sterling yet. Not to worry! You know me, in the true spirit of Martha and all things proper I would never serve my guests with tarnished silver. But instead of spending hours upon endless hours with this daunting and boring task, I'm going to give this little trick a try. Actually, my job shouldn't be so difficult since I keep my sterling in it's proper box it was meant to live in, but I still have a few pieces here and there that could use a little sprucing up, as we all probably do.
Many thanks to one of my new favorite websites, the Consumerist, for posting this little gem. I knew you all would love this little silver polishing short-cut.

Add baking soda and a bit of aluminum foil to a pot of water, add the silver you want to polish and boil away to your hearts content!

In other news, I can't believe it's already Thursday and Christmas Eve is just 3 days away. Where have the days gone? I swear it's like I've been asleep all fall and now, all of the sudden, Christmas is here and this momma is just not ready. I've still got some shopping to do myself, all the wrapping has to be done, decorating the dining room, and the cleaning. OH, the cleaning. UGHH. If there ever was a time I needed a Christmas miracle, it would be now (okay, so technically, a second Christmas miracle since my first was the discovery of my heisted wedding set last week).

At any rate, I will be hopping on probably a few times today and making more posts than usual because well, I just have a lot to say I guess! We had a great time yesterday with friends and today we're making and baking our cookies. Kroger here we come! (that is really more of a warning than an announcement to you Kroger employees, btw, since I will have the mischievous mini monograms in tow)

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you so much!! that's such a time saver!!
well i'm going on my wau to give it a try.