15 December, 2008

And the Illness Continues...

**UPDATE 8/18** Still sick! I have now had no hearing out of my left ear for 6 full days and I can't tell you how bad it sucks. Do you have any idea what happens when your eardrum is this inflamed and infected? It also means you get Vertigo and get dizzy and can't walk in a straight line. So basically, if I get pulled over, I wouldn't pass a street DUI test. NICE.

I saw a 2nd Dr. this week and now I"m on a super strong antibiotic b/c the previous one wasn't doing anything for me, plus a high dosage of oral steroids, and an antihistamine. I'm not getting much accomplished around here and let me tell you, it's certainly nothing crafty. To sum up, I could really use a Christmas miracle this year in the form of getting my hearing back and not having to worry about possible permanent hearing damage that my Dr. seems to think could be a reality if the swelling doesn't go down soon. So if you've got any connections with the Big Guy upstairs, I'm just sayin'.....

Yep, still sick. I've now added a double ear infection and laryngitis (sp?) to the mix. You know, just to make things super fun this Christmas and all. *sigh*

In essence, I'm deaf in one ear and can't speak louder than a whisper.

My left ear is so inflamed, the Doc said it looked like it could burst. No kidding, because let me tell you that's exactly what it feels like, too.

So I'll be back. One of these days. In the mean time, keep on crafting and keep on cooking!



KKB said...

I wish you well! Sorry you're not feeling good. Take care!! Merry Christmas!

Pink Flamingo said...

You poor thing...I hope you and the mini's feel better real soon! Just look on the bright side...a clogged ear isn't always a bad thing when dealing with little ones all day! ;)

Hang in there!

BroncoMom said...

Bless you for posting and keeping us updated.
Hope you feel better real soon!

lisagh said...

Oh no! Feel better soon. xoL

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear you're still feeling under the weather. I thought I was the only person over the age of three who still gets ear infections. They are not fun but it helps me to take a warm wash cloth and hold it against my ear. Also, I've been using the Royal Icing recipe you posted a long time ago and it is definitely the best for Christmas cookies. Thank you!

TCP said...

Poor MM!! Hope you are feeling better soon! I always get sick around the holidays...it's no fun! :(

Rickrack and Pompoms said...

Bless your heart, hope you feel better sooooon!!!!!!!!!