25 August, 2006

It's been A day (if you know what I mean)

Oy, what a day it’s been. It began with blogger not cooperating by letting me post any photos whatsoever, which is about the MOST annoying thing in the world (does anyone else have this issue? And if any Blogger techs are reading this, you’ve got a real problem you need to work on fixing. Just because something’s for free doesn’t mean it shouldn’t work! How rude.). I mean, I don’t exactly want to sit here for TWO HOURS trying to post a few pictures of some plates. So then, mini monogram #1 decided to let deaf ears fall upon my pleas to please stop running in the house with the dump truck, and ran smack into the granite countertops in the kitchen. Ouch. Double ouch when I saw his mouth oozing with blood and his lips so fat that he now looks like Melanie Griffith after a collagen implant. Excellent. Then we move onto mini monogram #2 who has a lung condition and has been sick all day and so is very whiney and crying at just about everything on this earth, thus requiring me to tote his “petite” 35 lb frame on my hip today (yeah, he’s 2-1/2 folks). Next thing I know, the phone is ringing and its one of my best friends, Kristi (yes, a prep school pal). She’s calling for our weekly chat and catch-up, but also to tell me her parents are moving. MOVING! This is fresh on the heels of one of our other best friends, Carol (another prep school pal & also mini #2’s Godmother), telling me last week that her parents are moving too, and after my visit home where there is currently a “For Sale” sign in MY parents perfectly landscaped and well-loved I might add, front yard. UGHH. I simply can not handle all this change! Next thing you know, Ashley is going to be telling me her parents are moving too! So apparently, all our parents are in the “we need to downsize” mode and it just really stinks. Clearly, I do not do too well with change. Trust me, I’m working on this in therapy.

So as I’m moping around about my day after hanging up with Kris, I hear the familiar “ring ring” of the phone again and it’s Mr. Monogram. Apparently he is too busy and wrapped up in work to be able to meet the mini monograms and I out for our regular Friday night dinner. Can this day get much more irritating?! SO it looks like it’s just a wheezing mini #2, Melanie Griffith lips a.k.a. mini #1, and monogram momma this evening. Now, all this being said, can you imagine my delight when I opened the mailbox today and found it chock full of brand new stationary?! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE receiving new stationary in the mail, and today was an extra special treat that I am super excited to share with you all. I mean, it made me so deliriously happy that I’m even willing to forgive all our parents for moving! Ha! But for now I’ll just let you know all the yummy stationary details are coming your way and to look forward to on Monday, so have a great weekend!

To Be Continued…..


me said...

Thanks for the feedback - you know it's weird, it's a totally normal font on my computer and my mom says it's normal on her computer as well, but you and my aunt both say it's scrolly and small. I'm not sure what I should do to remedy it. Any suggestions? That would be annoying!! :) Thanks for mentioning it!

Law said...

Monogram Momma, I too have had difficulties from time to time when trying to post pictures on my blog. It is maddening, and is such a waste of precious time. Blogging Mommas certainly cannot waste a moment trying to cajole the computer! I share your frustration, and I do hope your weekend makes a swift turnaround.

Anonymous said...

I have a hard time with change as well. I understand your frustration with all that is going on in your life. I hope your children feel better soon.
My parent's house had a problem ( the foundation cracked) and well to make a long story short the house has to come down. It is the house that my 6 siblings and I grew up. Oh well change happens and it is too big for my parent's to keep up with. One of my sisters and her husband a purchasing the land and rebuild so it will stay in the "family".

Monogram Momma said...

Oh Maureen, that is terrible! I can't imagine how you must feel!But like you said, at least the land will stay in the family. Make sure you guys get some really great pictures before it comes down. Everything from squeaky stairs to creaky gate hinges to always remember!

Anonymous said...

One of my sisters is a photographer and with all that has happened she has already shot a number of pics. She will more than likely take rolls when it comes down. The three girls all live in the area near my parents but not the four boys.
To tell you the truth I will be releived when it is down because right now it is a burden for my parents and an eye sore. We just have to get all the "stuff" out.

Melissa C Morris said...

Hey MM, I used to have the same trouble uploading photos... I started using FireFox as my browser and I haven't had a problem since... Hope this helps you save time and keep posting! Cheers, Mel.

Monogram Momma said...

Ugh, Thanks so much for the tip, Mel! I'll give it a shot and keep my fingers crossed!

Unknown said...

Oh I totally know what you mean with the photos not uploading. Sometimes I'll be on my 9th upload before they will actually make it to my post! Arghhh

Kiki the Precious Preppy said...

I too use mozilla firefox and I have had a few problems with Blogger, but over all it has been ok.