10 November, 2009

Where I've Been, What I've Been Doing

I'm just popping in for a quick minute. I do have some great projects jotted down but this week I am up to my eyeballs in things to do. In short, here's what's been going on...

  • Mini #2 has been having a difficult time w/ his lungs. Took some time off of school last week and amped up his meds and he's still recovering.
  • I got Advanced Upper Respiratory Bronchitis at the same time. Argh!
  • Participated in a great Holiday Market my friend puts on at her beautiful home every November. However, this wasn't so much fun because of the above statement.
  • We are close to FINALLY putting the house on the market any day now. FINALLY!!! However, this means we've been crazy getting things checked off our "to-do" list and get all the pictures done.
And now, because I've got to whip together new window treatments for our Master Bath before the house goes on the market, it is off to the sewing machine I go!!


Suburban prep said...

Hope that you all are feeling better soon.

Ashlyn Stallings said...

You have so much going on! Best wishes as things start rolling with the holidays!

linda said...

Hope you are both all better soon!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

I feel your pain- I've had bronchitis for more than a week now. Ugh! I hope you have a merry and magical Christmas!