23 October, 2009

FLASHBACK: Halloween Costume Ideas

Well, friends, it's time once again to start digging around to come up with that clever Halloween costume. And since Halloween is on a Saturday night this year (YAY!), I bet lots of you will be making the party rounds. And because I haven't had time to think of any clever new costume ideas other than the obvious Jon & Kate Gosselin (personally, my money is on this one being the most popular costume duo this year, or for the single gals, Nadya Suleman), I'm doing a flashback to my costume ideas from last year.

Halloween Costume Ideas

It’s that time of year again, folks. Yep. The time to start rummaging through your parents attics, your mess of a basement, the Halloween shops that have popped up on every street corner this time of year, and even (shutter) the thrift store. Why, you ask? It’s time to come up with some Halloween costumes. So with Halloween next week, this week is going to be all about costumes.

Thankfully, this year the Monogram’s will not be attending any Costume party’s as I can’t imagine squeezing one more event into the next two weeks. But since sister #2 has a big 40th birthday costume party to attend next weekend with her husband, she and I have been wracking our brains for great ideas for the past couple weeks. Naturally, that got me thinking that you guys might want a few ideas also, so I thought I’d share a few, for those of you scrambling to come up with a great Halloween costume. Have any other great ideas? Please share in comments!

Bob Ross

Olive Oil & Popeye or Brutus

Green Giant

Captain Crunch

PacMan & Ms. PacMan

Martha Stewart
You had to know I would put this on my list!

Carnival Sideshow people
This is the Bearded Lady,
but you can get some costume ideas here

Love Boat Crew
Since it's the 25th anniversary of the Love Boat, these costumes are
in your local costume shops for purchase this year!

Gortons Fisherman

Morton Salt Girl

Burger King “King” & Wendy from Wendy’s
This is my favorite idea this year!
You can pick up the Wendy’s wig here and the BK mask here.

Mel & Flo from the tv show Alice


Blair @ Reasonably Swanky said...

I like the green giant...sexy!

Anonymous said...

Holy flashback - Bob Ross & his happy little trees- fabulous!!!