Love it or hate it? I’m totally loving it! However, I must say, monogram momma is most definitely NOT loving the frayed edges. That is certainly not preppy in my book thus, leaving the embroidered collar a tad misleading, don’t you think? However, it could possibly work if paired with a pair of jeans and tretorns (or these keds or Dr. Scholl’s which I really love myself) for a trip to the local Benjamin Moore store on a Saturday morning to pick up a gallon of Adams Gold. And let’s not get into the “to pop” or “not to pop” the collar debate because we could be here all day. So if it suits you, you can pick it up for the bargain price of $54 at Our Fashion House. I’m willing to bet a few Ben Franklins that a few of you will be picking this one up though, and feel free to go ahead and pick one up for moi as well while you’re at it. As for me, I’ve spotted these Tamara Henriques toile rubber rain loafers that you b
etter believe I will be picking up for myself for those damp fall days. I can just see them now paired with a pair of brown cords and a white or blue button down, or even monogrammed long sleeved polo. Oh, and I can’t forget my jean jacket (this is an almost every day staple for me in the fall and spring)! Meanwhile, today I’ll be donning my denim knee-length skirt and green polo with my adorable green and navy Chesapeake Rose headband and of course, flip flops, as I putter around the house and work on a few projects today. I’ve got burp cloths to make for one of Mr. Monogram’s employee’s who just had a new baby, as well as the monogrammed canvas to work on for Heather, start working on my burlap silhouetted purse, start planning my party menu for the dinner party we are planning for Mr. Monogram’s staff next month, and start brainstorming for Halloween costume ideas for the mini monograms (yes, I’m absolutely serious. A good costume required good planning!). Oh, another project on the horizon for me is working on a nice and preppy needlepoint belt for Mr. Monogram. While I’ve always been a big cross-stitcher and enjoyed needle pointing as well, this is one project I’ve never attempted so I’m quite anxious to find a great canvas and start on it. SO if anyone has a great source for these, kindly pass it along! On another note, I’m thinking of occasionally doing a “Reader Request” blog topic where I would share all the fabulous creative questions you all are sending me j’adore. What do you think? Yes or no?
Well, Now I’m off to check on the mini monograms and see what they’ve gotten into this morning and give preppy puppy a pat. See you later when I’ll give you a full progress report on my ongoing projects, and have a great new one ready to go a bit later on in the day!
02 August, 2006
Ongoing Projects
Posted by Monogram Momma at 9:13 AM
Labels: Accessories, Good Things
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Love the idea of the needlepoint belt for the Mr....I kind of hate the "preppy" shirt; although it's kind of young so maybe I'm just old and out of the "cool" fashion.
My wife saw a shirt in nantucket that had "preppy Girl" on the front and a whole bunch of flashy fake jewels. She almost lost her lunch!
ok, that is a bit much w/ the fake jewels! That is one direction you will never see monomgram momma going in!
The shirt is not my style, but I LOVE the rain shoes! They are great! I am putting them on my birthday wish list!
I love the rain shoes. Those are definite must have for fall.
Kate Spade has some really cute rain shoes too!
See I knew you guys would love these shoes! I'm telling you already they are going to be on my "can't live without it" list! Oh, and Preppy Princess, have you seen the Kate Spade rubber bags? Nice big size but really pretty heavy I think. I almost snatched one up today in Parisian's but the weight of it threw me off. Thought is would be cute for my book and a water bottle going to the pool though.
I have to say that although classed as "one of the young ones" being under 21, I don't like the preppy shirt I like the idea of "preppy" under the collar but all that fraying etc is awful! I think I will stick with my RL and Lacoste polos that thankfully have NO holes or frayed edges! Love the rainshoes saw them over here in argyle green and pink the other day very tempting but winter is finishing here so might see next time :)
I am going to post my "rain shoes". I hemmed and hawed and finally bought mine through eBay. They are more of a clog then a ballet flat but I love 'em.
love the rubber rain shoes. Last year I purchased a pair of pink rain shoes from Sperry. Love them and the next things I am looking for are some cute wellies. Saw some on a few sites and in a few catalogues, but with the heat right now hard to thing of them.
1. Hate the shirt
2. love ths shoes
Ok, since everyone is raving about Chesapeake Rose, I think I will have to place an order!
Make sure you tell them Monogram Momma sent you and they'll take extra good care of you! ;-)
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