08 August, 2006

Being Polite & Fair

So today I’m in a very pensive sort of mood. One of the blogs I read daily is called The Happiness Project, and if you haven’t heard about it or checked it out recently, I suggest you do (the link has been on my sidebar for a while now). You see, the blogger is a published author who is doing something quite amazing, really. In her own words, she is “ …testing every principle, tip, theory, and scientific study I can find, whether from Aristotle or St. Therese or Martin Seligman or Oprah. I’m gathering these rules for living from everywhere I can, and I’ll report what works and what doesn’t.” Isn’t that remarkable? Then on the sidebar, she lists her twelve commandments, one of them being #5, “Be Polite and be fair.” And I have to agree, this too, is something I always try to live by as one of my own commandments in life. And I don’t deem this as something that’s been dictated to me by one of my many Emily Post Etiquette books but instead, I think it just comes from good breeding on my parent’s part. Something I must remind myself to thank them for later. It is always amazing to me that there are certain people in this world, who, as Preppy Princess has said on her new preppy shopping blog, think they are just “all that.” I loved that she put that on her list of reasons to start a new blog, because I am finding it more and more to be true as well. These same types of people of course, are the same types of people (in my own personal opinion that is) who like to been seen as some sort of martyr in one form or another, as generous, thoughtful, and fun-spirited people, when in fact, they are actually self-righteous, cynical, self-centered snobs who think they can and should have the have the right to dictate (and control) other people’s thoughts, merely by making inaccurate assumptions. Ever heard of the old saying "Never make Assumptions because it will only make an ass out of you, NOT me?" I mean, God forbid anyone in this universe share the same tastes or thoughts. I shudder at the thought of it! *snicker* I also find these people to be the type of people I call “toxic.” Oh you know the type, they want to take all the credit for everything, secretly feel good about making other people feel bad, must always be the center of attention (even though they [falsely] claim modesty), blah blah blah. I mean, I think we’ve probably all been in one toxic relationship or another. I myself, have certainly had my fair share of so-called toxic relationships and friends that really bring nothing to the table, other than to draw attention to themselves and project themselves in a dishonest manner and try to prevent you from doing something positive or succeeding. Of course, these are also they same type of people who have never been good about sharing. What a shame! It’s especially difficult for me to understand people like this, when I’ve been so lucky to have the same core group of prep school friends, both male and female for almost 20 years now. I mean, how lucky am I?! And don’t let me forget my “grown up friends” either; the friends Mr. Monogram and I have had since College and in recent years as adults, but who have always “had our backs” if you know what I mean. As they say on Cribs (I love that show!), these are the types of people we “roll” with. Good, honest, thoughtful, creative and fun, REAL people. So I guess my point is, that on these very pensive, navy blue and green sort of days for me, when I am reminded that there are still such catty & egomaniacal people in the world, I am so so lucky to have my preppy prep school crowd and equally preppy and peppy grown up crowd, who really know me, and what I’m all about, and while I’ve tried to be trendy on occasion, it just hasn’t worked well for me and inevitably, I always end up back in my khaki’s and white t-shirt and flip flops. Because that’s just who I am and have always been. And at the end of the day, I can rest assured that I am who I am, and I’ve been polite and fair. So, in my continued, daily effort to “be polite and be fair,” as Gretchen Rubin says, I want to take a minute to thank everyone who keeps stopping by my modest little blog of preppy projects, monogramming ideas, and fun little shopping finds. It is truly amazing to me all of you who continue to stop by to see what it is I’m working on next, and it truly thrills me to see so many of you trying some of my projects and blogging about them yourself on your own blogs (which I love reading, btw). One thing I am not, and that is selfish with my ideas (otherwise, would there really be a point of this blog?). And perhaps a few people have come and gone from my blog, not quite “getting” my sense of humor or sarcasm, and if so, then that's okay too. I mean, even the great Martha herself has her (very large) fair share of people who want to rain her parade. But I chose to believe that she too, lives by #5 so for me, that is a very “good thing.” So anyway, thank-you! Thanks for stopping by and posting comments. And thanks for all the questions and suggestions both good and bad. We may not always agree with one another, but I'm always appreciative to have your opinion. What kind of hostess would I be if I didn't say thank you properly? ;-) And you know, If I could write you each a handwritten note on my monogrammed stationary, I most certainly would!


Kiki the Precious Preppy said...

Dear M. M. thank you for sharing the link to the happiness project. As for your parents, a hand written thank you note in the mail would probably delight them. I do this to my husband and my immediate family. They are always so happy to receive personal mail for no reason but to say, thanks for being you. I have a personal quote that I wish to share. “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” Thank you for letting me give my 2cents worth. Have a great day.

Monogram Momma said...

Thanks for the quote, Kiki. I have noticed it on your own blog as well! I always love reading your comments. MM

Unknown said...

For some reason this is the first time i've read your blog - what is wrong with me?!! What a great site, that happiness project. Thanks for that!

Monogram Momma said...

Well Welcome Chloe and welcome back from the UK! I have been following your blog for some time now but haven't posted yet. :-( Glad you've somehow stumbled upon me!

Jill said...

That's a great link! I could use a little more happiness these days. The ability to inspire others is truly a gift!

a. said...

I say do whatever makes you "happy"!